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About Our Parish

Pulford and Poulton, neighbouring rural communities in the south-west corner of Cheshire, lie on the border with north-east Wales, some five miles to the south of the Roman city of Chester, an International Heritage City.

The combined population of Pulford and Poulton is just in excess of four hundred.

The Grosvenor family, who owned much of Pulford & Poulton into the early 20th century have left many fine buildings throughout the area designed by John Douglas. The distinctive quality of the architectural features of these buildings can be appreciated across the village.

The Archaeological Dig at Poulton under the direction of archaeologist, Kevin Cootes, has provided a valuable source of information into our early history and continues to unearth new discoveries. Read more in our groups section.

An agricultural area, Pulford and Poulton have a long history of milk and cheese production and have seen significant changes over the past sixty years, and more recently with the introduction of some of the most advanced production methods.

Click on the following links for more descriptions of the village and the dedication of Pulford War memorial

Pulford, Poulton and Cuckoos Nest

Pulford War Memorial